How to Scan network Advanced | Work-through

As i describe how to scan with nmap in this article,  today i am goiing to show how to scan network in a advanced way.

1 . Layout

Im using python HTTP server in different ports such as on , off, well known and less known ports to demonstrate how this is working

First of all we can discuss how the Transmission Control Protocol Breakdown

Each TCP packet has a section in it’s memory buffer where Control Bits such as URG | ACK | PSH | RST | SYN | FIN can be set.

So How is this URG, ACK, PSH, RST, SYN, FIN works?

here is a small photo that describes all

Image result for how tcp connection is established

Can we change the state SYN to ACK ?

  • yes, that is possible. thats why we need nmap and hping for that

from those tools we can send specific control bits in packets which we are send.

Let's discuss how ip scanners are working

Normally they scanning via icmp

So First of all i scanned my network

so 103 is my ubuntu ip

So simply i disabled icmp in ubuntu

and edit 1 to 0

then again i tried to scan the network

Boom! it not discovering

Then i tried to ping ubuntu machine

it was unsuccessful

SYN Scan

So i was tried to scan using syn scan

#hping : hping -S <address block>
#Nmap : nmap -sS <address block>
#fping : fping -a -g <address block>

-S : Sets the SYN flag getting passed onto the packet

-sS : SYN flag scan
-sn: ICMP ECHO scan

This is how wireshark looks like when running syn scan

I used firewall to block the 80 port and check syn scan

then enable port 80 in the firewall and tried

Boom! it received SYN,ACK flag

RST scan

ACK Scan


hping -F -P -U <ip address>

in this command you can see it has multiple Flags

Nmap commands are :
-sX (Xmas scan)
-sN (Null scan)

දිරියක් වෙන්න අදහස් පෙළක් දාන්න

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